
Work from home in cities: A tale of coordination and multiple equilibria

(with Ferdinando Monte, Charly Porcher)

September 2023, VoxEU

The importance of anticipating climate change

(with Adrien Bilal)

July 2023, VoxEU

Carbon taxes may be a boon for the world, even in the short run

(with Bruno Conte, Klaus Desmet)

January 2023, VoxEU

Trade to Adapt: Changing Specialisation to Cope with Climate Change

(with Bruno Conte, Klaus Desmet, Dávid Krisztián Nagy)

May 2021, VoxEU

Globalisation and Pandemics

(with Pol Antràs, Stephen Redding)

October 2020, VoxEU

How Do Globalisation and Pandemics Interact? Surprising Insights from A New Model

(with Pol Antràs, Stephen Redding)

September 2020, LSE COVID-19 Blog

Big Business Is Driving America’s Smaller Cities

(with Chang-Tai Hsieh)

February 2020, Wall Street Journal

Optimal Policy Responses to the Growing Polarisation of Occupations in Space

(with Pierre-Daniel Sarte, Felipe Schwartzman)

November 2019, VoxEU

Product Market Concentration Is Decreasing, and It’s Because of the Big Guys

(with Pierre-Daniel Sarte, Nicholas Trachter)

October 2018, ProMarket

Top Firms and the Decline in Local Product-market Concentration

(with Pierre-Daniel Sarte, Nicholas Trachter)

October 2018, VoxEU

Adapt or Be Flooded

(with Klaus Desmet, Dávid Krisztián Nagy)

October 2018, VoxEU

Wasted Urban Infrastructure: the City of Detroit

(with Raymond Owens III, Pierre-Daniel Sarte)

February 2017, VoxEU

Defending Globalisation: Isolation Would Cost us Dearly

(with Klaus Desmet, Dávid Krisztián Nagy)

November 2016, VoxEU

Learning, Career Paths, and the Distribution of Wages

(with Santiago Caicedo, Robert E. Lucas, Jr)

May 2016, VoxEU

The Organisation of Production and Firm-level Productivity

(with Lorenzo Caliendo, Giordano Mion, Luca Opromolla)

January 2016, VoxEU

Commuting, Migration, and Local Employment Elasticities

(with Ferdinando Monte, Stephen Redding)

December 2015, VoxEU

Geography, Idiosyncratic Shocks, and Aggregate Fluctuations

April 2014, Perspectives from Around the World 041, RIETI, Japan

Moving to Greenland in the face of Global Warming

(with Klaus Desmet)

January 2013, VoxEU

Heavy Technology: The Process of Technological Diffusion over Time and Space

(with Diego Comin, Mikhail Dmitriev)

November 2012, VoxEU

Firms Reorganize to Grow (by Hiring Workers that Know and Earn Less)

(with Lorenzo Caliendo, Ferdinando Monte)

August 2012, VoxEU

Spatial Disparities in India: Have Mumbai and Chennai Become too Congested?

(with Klaus Desmet, Ejaz Ghani, Stephen O'Connell)

June 2012, VoxEU

Are the World's Megacities too Big?

(with Klaus Desmet)

March 2011, VoxEU